The hooked rugs
shown below were all hand-hooked by miniaturist Debbie Olsen.
They are dollhouse size copies of actual full sized hooked
rugs. The original rugs were hooked in the 19th century or
earlier. The miniatures were hooked with 1 strand of DMC
embroidery floss. These intricate miniature rugs can take
up to 80 hrs to create. Large photos of my hooked rugs can be seen
by clicking on the smaller version below. I hope you will take the
time to look at them full size. Rug hooking has been an American
Folk Art for the past two centuries, yet these folk artists rarely
receive the recognition they deserve. I hope that these few examples
will inspire you to see rug hooking as a true art form worthy of being
reproduced in our miniature homes. So please, have a look.
You can click on the right arrow to view the next full size photo without
having to return to this page, or you can click on the left arrow to
return here to the descriptions. These rugs are not for sale.
CORAL ROSES AND CIRCLES: 5 3/4" x 6 1/4" This lovely hooked rug is a subtle blend of salmon, ecru and brownish green circles with 2 roses in the center. It is an old rug, originally hooked in the
19th Century, in "Beauport", Gloucester, Massachusetts.
LION AND BEAVERS: 4 3/4" x 6 1/8" This delightful old
rug is one of my favorites among the so-called 'primitive hooked rugs'.
The original artist obviously had a natural gift. This rug was
hooked in the late 19th Century, in America.
UNION FLAG: 4 1/8" x 7 1/8" Hooked rugs depicting a
patriotic theme became popular during and after the Civil War. This
is a lovely example of that genre. It was originally hooked in the
1860'S, in America.
CAPE MAY PRIMITIVE: 4 1/8" x 7 7/8" This rug was probably
hooked in the Early 19th Century. The original was hooked on homespun (as opposed to burlap
which was used later in the century). It's origin is unknown.
CHINESE GEOMETRIC MEDALLION: 4 1/8" x 7 7/8" Oriental designs lent themselves
especially well to rugs being hooked on the square mesh of burlap. Their
geometric patterns were often the source for patterns created by
early rug hookers. This rug was originally done in knotted wool in the
18th Century, China, Ning Hsia.
The hooked rugs below were originally hooked in the 20th Century by some very talented crafts people who have continued the wonderful tradition of rug hooking.
VENDOME: 5 3/8" x 8" Like many older hooked rugs, this rug
was designed to simulate an oriental rug with all the intricate coloring
of a rug from the Orient. This rug was copied from a rug originally designed by Joan
Moshimer. 1970's. America.
SPRINGTIME: 5 3/8" x 8" This rug was copied from a rug originally designed by Anita Allen.
It is a lovely rug depicting a spray of spring flowers in a black and dark green border. This is one of the prettiest hooked rugs I've ever seen. 1970's. America.
MONTEREY TILE: 4 7/8" x 6 3/4" This hooked rug was copied from a rug originally designed by Joan
Moshimer. It has a geometric design that has a very spanish feel to it. It was originally hooked in the 1970's in America.
BURNT WATER: 4" x 6 1/8" 1970's American Indian. The original was designed by Philomena Yazzie.
If you have a lot of patience, time and good eye sight, and are interested in hooking your own rugs, there are several books in my book store that I highly recommend. They show many wonderful examples of historic hooked rugs that can be used as patterns for your own rugs. Click on BOOKS below and go to the "Hooked Rugs" section for more details.

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